Charter Membership Invitation

Thank you for your interest in the Investor Network. You are just one step away from securing a Charter Membership. 

The returns that companies can provide during fast-developing innovation cycles have been seen time and again. The advent of home internet access made way for companies like Google (1,279x), Alibaba (1,675x), and Facebook (1,040x). The second cycle with the mobile web opened the doors for Uber (125x), WhatsApp (545x), and Zoom (383x).*

Now thanks to technologies in fields like AI, the pace of innovation is accelerating faster than ever.  

You Can Learn More About The Multiple Innovation Cycles Now Underway

When these innovation cycles hit a sector, the impact can be powerful.  

When money moved into Fintech, we brought deals like Cushon (5x in five years), and Revolut (50x in six years) to investors*.

The same holds true for Property Tech where our investors were able to take a stake in outliers like Landbay (34x in ten years) and LandTech (76x in five years)*.

Then there’s the transformative power of SaaS. Companies like Office RnD (60x in eight years) and Senta (120x in seven years) changed their industries and opened the door to significant returns for early investors*.  

That’s why our team always has its eye on the future, looking for the sectors with the greatest potential.

You’ll Receive Special Monthly Briefings on the New Innovation Cycles Coming into Play

These are the top fields attracting venture capital right now.

And you’ll be hearing not just from people making the deals, you’ll be hearing from the people creating these new worlds.  

Artificial intelligence is going to speed up development across multiple fields. Dr. Matthew Putman, a noted founder and inventor called upon by the World Economic Forum, will be revealing the advancements unfolding well beyond the large language models you hear about in the press.  

ClimateTech now attracts more than one-quarter of the VC funding across the EU. Scott Simpkin will be tracking the new deals and looking for revolutionaries like the Green Lithium deal he sourced, the first pure play battery minerals provider in the UK. 

Katherine Gilroy is deeply connected to sustainable development and consumer deals at Seedrs. She’s hoping to land the next winner like Oddbox, whose shares are up 32x in five and a half years.

Mo Islam of Payload will be sharing his knowledge, often reserved for insider conferences and institutional investors, on the Space sector – both SpaceX and all the other players in an industry that could reach $1 trillion by 2030.

Andrew Durgee will be lending his expertise on Digital Assets. His team already spotted 12 of the 31 unicorns in the Republic US portfolio. Now they’re leading the way in the tokenization of real world assets, a field attracting attention from big players like Black Rock and JP Morgan.    

As an Investor Network Member, you’ll not only gain the insight of these experts, you’ll be able to ask them questions for each briefing as well. 

You’ll Gain Early Access to New Deals

As a member of the Investor Network, you are going to have early access privileges on new deals we release.

So whatever you’re interested in – AI deals, Green Energy plays, Biotech startups, Saas companies – you’ll be alerted on average one week before anyone else.  

That means you have the opportunity to be one of the first to grab a stake in new startups.  

You Will Benefit from the Very Best Deal Terms We Have on Offer

The private markets are notorious for charging high fees - up to 5% of your investment upfront and 20% of profits on the exit.  

Our fees are a fraction of that. As a Charter Member, you’ll receive 50% off our standard rates, paying just 1.25% upon investment and 2.5% in the case of a profitable exit.

Of course, you’ll also benefit from all the deal features that investors have come to know and trust from Seedrs.  

Our Investors Hear Directly from Founders

No one can share a company’s story more effectively than the Founder. Seedrs investors hear from them in multiple ways.  

  • Via Pitch Videos on their company’s deal page
  • At live Pitch Den sessions when founders lay the company’s mission, market, and plans.  
  • On the discussion board for each deal where our investors are able to speak to the founder and their team.

Our Investors Are Able to Invest in These Companies for £500 or Less

For years, investing in innovative, young companies in the private markets typically cost £100,000, £250,000, £500,000 or more just to get started.

With our deal structure, everyday investors are now able to back these companies for just £100, £250, or £500.

Our Investors Take Advantage of Bespoke Tax Schemes Working in Their Favour

Thanks to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), there are tax benefits on offer for UK taxpayers – both when you enter and exit an investment. These advantages, typically available on about 80% of the deals Seedrs offers, allow investors to: 

  • Take up to 50% of your investment off your tax bill 
  • Take profits without any capital gains tax if you’ve held the shares for three years or more.
  • Even offset a portion of any losses in those cases where a company doesn’t make it.

Seedrs are not tax advisors, Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and is subject to change in future. You should consult your own tax advisor for further information. 

Our Investors Benefit from the Diligence Process Done on New Deals

Before you ever see a deal, the team here at Seedrs runs the company through our due diligence process. The standards are high. Less than 1% of the companies who show interest in raising capital from our investors are ultimately approved.

The knowledge we discover is then shared with you on our Deal Page. It contains key information you need to help make your decision – financial data, business projections, key team members, the company’s valuation, and the perks for investing – to help you make your choice.

You’ll Be Working with the Principles of Power Law 

The tax adjusted IRR (annual rate of return) of 15.1% for the Seedrs portfolio was more than one and a half-times higher than the IRR of the FTSE 100 over the past 10 years.

It’s important to remember you’re working with Power Law when it comes to venture investing. There are no protections with these investments and most go to zero. You can see how the principle plays out in this graphic showing the Seedrs portfolio below. The top 10% of investments drive your overall returns.  

That’s why you should not invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. 

You’ll Get the Top Knowledge of Our Team

We don’t want you to just get deals sourced by our deal team. We want you to learn from their knowledge as well.

In our special Private Markets Accelerator Programme, you’ll see how our team looks at deal analysis, breaks down a valuation, tracks a portfolio, and even handles the windfall that could come your way with a successful exit.

Now It’s Your Turn

Thanks to AI and other revolutionary technologies, we are now seeing innovation cycles unfold across more sectors than ever before.

Access to venture capital firms typically requires an investment of £100,000 or much more to participate.

With the Investor Network, you will see pre-vetted deals plus insight from our top deal makers.

You get all this, including Monthly Briefing sessions and the Private Markets Accelerator Programme, for the special Charter Member price of just £299 per year. 

The Monthly Briefing sessions alone, where you’ll hear directly from our top deal makers and experts, carry great value. Plus, you could offset the cost of membership with the 50% savings on investor and potential success fees.  

We Believe in the Power of Investing in the Private Markets. 

We want you to have the feeling of excitement if one of your startups hits it big. That’s why we give so many advantages to our investors. 

So if Andrew Durgee’s team uncovers the next digital asset with unicorn potential, you’ll see it. If Scott Simpkin identifies a new intriguing company in Green Energy, he’ll brief you on it. And when Mo Islam breaks down the latest contenders in Space, you’ll be there to hear about it first hand. 

That’s the power of this Network.

Become a Charter Member today. 

John Lake

Managing Director

Jeff Lynn


Charter Membership

Basic Membership

One Year Charter Access

One Year Basic Access

Monthly Growth Accelerator Briefings

Monthly Growth Accelerator Briefings

Member Only Events

Member Only Events

Private Markets Accelerator Programme

Private Markets Accelerator Programme

Early Access to Deals

Early Access to Deals

50% Investor Fee Discount

10% Investor Fee Discount

50% Success Fee Discount

50% Success Fee Discount

Basic Membership

Charter membership

£199 per year

£299 per year

*The performance figures set out on this webpage refer to the past, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. As such, this is not an indication of the performance of any other investment opportunity on Seedrs. Returns were calculated using unaudited accounts and are inclusive of fees.

Investing involves risks, including loss of capital, illiquidity, lack of dividends and dilution, and should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. Please read the Risk Warnings before investing. Investments should only be made by investors who understand these risks. Note that not all shares will be eligible for the secondary market and, even if they are, the ability to buy and sell shares will depend on demand. It can be difficult to find a buyer or seller, and investors should not assume that an early exit will be available just because a secondary market exists. This webpage has been approved as a financial promotion by Seedrs Limited ("Seedrs"), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

Seedrs does not provide legal, financial or tax advice of any kind. If you have any questions with respect to legal, financial or tax matters relevant to your interactions with Seedrs, you should consult a professional adviser.